The Basics and Benefits of Delta 8
While full extract plant-based CBD is often the focus of many health-related discussions, cannabidiol itself doesn't exist in a singular state throughout the cannabis plant. In fact, there are several different molecular variations of CBD within the cannabis genome with differing properties and ratios. Despite this, delta-8 THC is still the most misunderstood cannabinoid with potential therapeutic properties. As such, we wanted to explore this cannabinoid in detail.
What is Delta-8 THC?
Delta-8 THC is a type of cannabinoid that occurs naturally in plants like hemp and cannabis. This compound is created through biosynthesis, which means it's made by plants themselves rather than being artificially synthesized in a lab setting (like how many medications are made).
Delta-8 THC is different from delta-9 THC because it has an extra double bond between carbons 8 and 9 on its molecular structure. This double bond changes how the molecule reacts with our bodies' cannabinoid receptors, located throughout our nervous system and brain tissue.
What are the methods used to extract Delta-8 THC?
There are three main methods of extracting Delta-8 THC from hemp and cannabis. The first is using ethanol, the most common and affordable way to extract cannabinoids from the plant. Ethanol is also known as grain alcohol because it comes from fermented grains or vegetables. It is made by distilling these ingredients and then removing any excess water.
The second method is CO2 extraction. This uses carbon dioxide under high pressure to extract the cannabinoids from the plant material. This method produces higher quality oil than ethanol extraction, but it's also more expensive and can only be used if you have access to a large gas tank (CO2).
The third method is called supercritical fluid extraction, or SFE for short. This process uses hydrocarbon gasses like propane, butane, or pentane that are superheated under high pressure to extract the cannabinoids from the plant material. This method produces an oil that is purer than CO2 extraction but more expensive than ethanol extraction and more dangerous due to its flammability (requiring special equipment).

What are the main features of Delta-8 THC?
Delta-8 THC is a synthesized cannabinoid. This means it was created in a laboratory and is not found naturally in the cannabis plant. It is also known as dronabinol, which is a generic name for delta-8 THC. Delta-8 THC has many similarities to delta-9 THC but does not have the same psychoactive effects as delta-9 THC.
The difference between Delta-8 THC and natural THC lies in their chemical structures. Natural THC contains a double bond between carbons 7 and 8, while Delta-8 THC contains a double bond between carbons 7 and 9. This structural difference changes how Delta-8 THC interacts with our bodies' cannabinoid receptors, which are found throughout our central nervous system and brain. Delta-8 THC produces similar effects as natural THC, including:
- Mild euphoria
- Relaxation
- Increased appetite
What form of Delta-8 THC can you use?
Delta-8 THC can be consumed in several different forms, including:
Tinctures are made by extracting active ingredients from plants using alcohol or glycerin as a solvent. The solution is then bottled and sold as an extract that can be added to food or drinks to achieve desired effects. Tinctures may be taken orally (under your tongue), sublingually (under your lip), or topically (applied directly to the skin).
Sublingual administration involves placing the substance under your tongue, where it dissolves and enters your bloodstream via the blood vessels under your tongue's surface area. This method is often used for medications that are difficult for patients to swallow, such as those taken for nausea or pain relief.
Vaping is the most common form of Delta-8 THC consumption. It can be used as a substitute for smoking marijuana and is more discreet. The most popular method of vaping is with a dry herb vaporizer. Dry herbs are the flowers or leaves of a plant that are dried before consumption to make them easier to burn.
Vape pens have become very popular recently due to their convenience and portability. Vape pens are small devices that use battery power to heat cannabis oil or wax concentrates so they can be inhaled as vapor.
Gummies are candies containing cannabis oil that has been infused with CBD, THC, or both. They come in various shapes and sizes, but this type of edible has become increasingly popular over the last few years due to its ability to provide a more gradual release of cannabinoids through your digestive system compared to smoking or vaping marijuana which gives you a quick high that wears off quickly.

What are the advantages of using Delta-8 THC
While there are hundreds of compounds in marijuana, only two are responsible for most of the psychoactive effects: tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). Delta-8 THC is one of these compounds. It does not cause any psychoactive effects on its own but can still benefit your body. Delta 8 benefits include:
Relieve pain
Delta-8 THC can help relieve pain by activating cannabinoid receptors in the brain that regulate pain perception. This means that it does not create new nerve cells like other cannabinoids but works by acting on existing receptors that respond to other cannabinoids like CBD or CBN. This means that it may not provide relief as quickly as other cannabinoid products but may still be able to help relieve chronic pains.
Anti-inflammatory properties
Another benefit of Delta 8 THC is its anti-inflammatory properties. This makes it an excellent treatment option for people who suffer from arthritis or other inflammatory conditions like Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. The anti-inflammatory properties help reduce swelling and pain associated with these conditions, allowing patients to live their lives more normally while taking less medication than they would otherwise require.
Delta 8 promotes relaxation
Delta-8 THC is a non-psychoactive compound that has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety. It's also been shown to promote relaxation and improve sleep quality, which is important for overall health.
Delta-8 THC binds with the CB1 receptors in the body, which regulate mood, appetite, memory, and pain perception. Once it attaches to these receptors, it can increase dopamine levels in the brain, leading to feelings of euphoria and relaxation.
Can boost appetite
One of the main reasons why people use Delta-8 THC is because it can help them boost their appetite. This is especially true for people with cancer or another type of illness that causes them to lose their appetite. For example, research has shown that people with AIDS have a lower desire to eat than people who don't have AIDS. This is because AIDS attacks the immune system so much that it makes patients feel tired and weak all day long, which leads them to lose weight quickly over time due to malnutrition. However, if you take Delta-8 THC before each meal, you may want to eat more than usual because it stimulates your appetite by activating CB1 receptors in your brain, which tell your body that it needs food.
It can help with nausea
The biggest advantage of using Delta-8 THC is that it can help with nausea. When you consume cannabis oil, the Delta-8 cannabinoids are processed in the liver and then converted into 11-hydroxy-THC, which has antiemetic properties. This means that it can reduce nausea and vomiting.
It can help you focus
Delta-8 THC has been shown to improve memory and concentration in those who suffer from ADD/ADHD, PTSD, and Alzheimer's disease. This is because delta-8 THC binds to CB1 receptors in the brain, the same receptor marijuana binds to. The CB1 receptor regulates memory and learning, so when delta-8 THC activates it, it helps with learning new information and retaining information that we already know. It also helps with focus because it increases dopamine levels in the brain, improving concentration and motivation.

Delta-8 THC can also be used to treat brain damage caused by strokes
Delta-8 THC can also be used to treat brain damage caused by strokes. When there is a stroke, the blood flow to the brain is interrupted, and this can lead to permanent brain damage. Delta-8 THC has been found to help reduce the damage caused by strokes by preventing the dying of brain cells.
Delta-8 THC may help with muscle control problems
Delta-8 THC has been shown to reduce muscle spasticity in animal models of multiple sclerosis (MS). The findings suggest that Delta-8 THC may be useful for treating MS symptoms such as muscle stiffness and spasms. In people with MS, these symptoms can be debilitating or even life-threatening because they can interfere with breathing, walking, and swallowing. Delta-8 THC may help with muscle control problems because it:
- Reduces stiffness and spasticity
- Improves balance and coordination
- Reduces tremor (shakiness)
- Slows down involuntary movements (tremors)
Should you have a prescription to take Delta-8 THC
People who use Delta-8 THC should do so only under the supervision of a doctor who can monitor their progress and provide them with information about how best to use this treatment option safely. In some cases, people may benefit from taking both regular marijuana and Delta-8 THC together; however, if you experience any adverse reactions after using these products, speak with your health care provider immediately.
How much can I take?
The recommended dosage is 1mg per day. If you don't feel any effects after a week of taking 1mg per day, you can increase the dosage to 3mg per day or even more. You may want to consider avoiding much more than that, as it may lead to side effects such as nausea and vomiting.
When is the right time to take Delta-8 THC?
You can take Delta-8 THC at any time of the day as it will not cause any impairment or alter your cognitive abilities. However, it is best to take your dose in the morning or early afternoon before you go out and about so you don't get confused by its effects if they occur while driving or operating machinery. The effects of Delta-8 THC can last anywhere from two hours to over four hours, depending on how much you take and how quickly your body metabolizes it into 11-hydroxy-THC (which has a longer half-life than Delta-8).
How to use Delta-8 THC?
Delta-8 THC can be given by mouth, injection into a muscle or vein, or applied to the skin. Injection - Delta-8 THC may be injected into the muscle or vein to treat nausea and vomiting caused by cancer treatment (chemotherapy).
Oral - Delta-8 THC may be taken by mouth to treat nausea and vomiting caused by cancer treatment (chemotherapy).
Skin - Delta-8 THC may be rubbed on the skin as a cream or ointment to treat pain associated with certain types of cancer.
Inhalation - Delta-8 THC may be inhaled through the mouth into the lungs using an inhaler that delivers a fine spray of medicine into the lungs to help control symptoms such as coughing and wheezing caused by lung diseases such as COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) or asthma.
What are the differences between CBD and Delta-8 THC?
The main difference between CBD and Delta-8 THC is that CBD does not cause psychoactive effects. Delta-8 THC is one of the two active compounds in cannabis that are responsible for producing strong psychoactive effects. The other compound is Delta-9 THC.
Delta-8 THC has been shown to have some benefits, but it will also produce strong psychoactive effects in those who consume too much of it. This means that if you want to use cannabis for recreational purposes, then it's better to take Delta-8 THC instead of CBD.
Delta-8 THC is the second most prevalent cannabinoid in the cannabis plant, representing the maximum that can be formed. Delta 8 THC has a distinct advantage over other types of THC due to its ability to bind directly to the CB1 receptor (as opposed to 11-hydroxy-THC, which must first go through the 11-hydroxidase enzyme). This is why delta-8 binds directly with a lower dosage than 11-hydro, the primary psychoactive found in cannabis strains.